Wednesday, October 29, 2008

sweatin fool

When people work out....some folks get misty, some folks have torrential downpours, others don't do nothing at all. I could cure the drought.

but at least I am working out :-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

day two-in it

In case anyone reads this - it is a quilting/fitness blog. Thought I would post a pix of another one of my quilts just to keep the quilting part going...
The quilt above is one that I did as a block of the month where I was actually the teacher. I made the blocks in a number of different color ways - see first pix. I finally put one of them together and it is shown hanging in my front hallway. The picture does not do the fabric justice - it is a beautiful line of fabrics called Napa Sonoma by a local fabric designer, Susie Robbins.

Now the fitness part... walked this am/ate in the zone all day although I do have to pay attention to portions, particularly during dinner time. I am a bit sore from yesterday - I am told I will be more so tomorrow...looking forward to that!!! I am back at CrossFit tomorrow at 6:30pm.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday - dida WOD

So today - I, so far, have eaten well - zone breakfast, zone snack, zone lunch and getting ready to chow down on a zone dinner. even limited myself to one cuppa coffee - thereafter, I had green ginger tea straight up.

Finally got through the warmups and to the first three of the fundamentals. And did a WOD - mini Diana - which, if I remember, was 15 - 12 - 8 of deadlift and handstand pushups. Did them in 5 min 32 sec which is, of course, not a new worlds or olympic record, but what the heck.

The race is on!!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The challenge is on....

J (my son) and I are challenging each other to hit some goals by Christmas morn. We have invited daughters/sisters C and O - but have not gotten word on whether they are in or not. Stakes are winner takes all - J and I are putting in $100 each. If C/O are in, they need to pitch in $50 each.
My goals are:
  • Weight – 155 - I currently tip the scales at 170 (yikes and hence the challenge)
  • Tactics:
    Crossfit three times per week (four if schedule permits)
    Do something every day – walk, ride a bike, do the warmup exercises
    Eat in the zone every day – once two weeks have passed, then allow a cheat day
    Journal it all

So - yesterday I did officially join crossfit and did the warmup exercises. That was as much as I could do - although they are significant in my estimation:

  • jump rope for 5 min

then 3 rounds of 10 each of...

  • three different stretches
  • squats (rough)
  • situps
  • not sure what it is called but you lay on the floor (or on the ab-mat which is a terrific invention) , lace your fingers behind your head and lift your head off the ground
  • pushups (really rough)
  • pull ups - I do the baby kind
  • dips - I also do the baby kind

I actually did not feel too good after I did those - probably because I only drank coffee before I did them. I know better next time.

Food - brekkie - toast/pnut butter and apple

Lunch - chicken tortilla soup with some french bread

snack - apple, cheese, crackers, macadamia nuts

dinner - pasta with marinara sauce, squash, french bread, milk

Not exactly good, but have gotten a fairly good start today - will post tomorrow.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

it's my birthday...

and here is my strategy about age.... you know how it is when you get older, your tend to forget your age - can't remember if you are 46 or 47, 58 or 59, 64 or 65, etc, etc. Anyway, here is what you do - always round up... that way, when you get to your birthday and finally do the math, you are younger than you thought!!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

back to quilts

Here is a baby quilt using bright colors and a combination of designs - this was for someone who works for me.

This is my "I heart Target" quilt. I made it about 8 years ago to get me jumpstarted back into quilting ... the rest is history.

This a a wedding quilt that I made and my friend quilted. It was for her son/daughter in law. It includes pictures and notes/signatures of their friends. We entered it into the Marin Quilt Show and won third prize!!!!

and by the way, I did do a great deal of walking today so we will see if sleep comes to the worthy tonight.

Last - below is a Palin debate flow chart...if you can't read it, send me your email address and I will forward. It is quite funny.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

can't sleep, thought I'd blog

not sure what wakes me up and not sure why I can't go right back to sleep, but there it is. Certainly can't be a concern about the economy or about global warming or that there is anyone in the US who thinks that Winky would make a good choice for the heartbeat away from the big job.

Must be the woeful lack of physical activity in my life. There is always a reason not to do it - but, you can't read a magazine, look at tv or listen to the radio without someone telling you that it is good for you. Reasons that I have heard/read/seen include...
  • helps one sleep through the night
  • contributes to a good night's sleep
  • feel better
  • look better
  • can wear anything in the closet without those can't zip it up worries
  • uninterrupted sleep

can't get away from it - so, ok, maybe there is something to it.

Tomorrow it is or actually, I mean today. I will do it if only to prove them wrong.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

prior work

Here are two wallhangings that I made - one for my daughter O and one for my friend JP. very free form and fun. I got this idea from a fellow quilt guild member and, once I let loose with the rotary cutter, I was off and running!!! These were eventually completed and gifted although I can't seem to find those pictures as easily.

could not help myself

besides the mispronunciations (nu-clee-air or was it nu-cu-lar?), the joe six pack and soccer mom references, the back in the day stuff about Alaska, the winks, and the non answers, she did ok - doncha think?????

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blog title and other notes

My daughter, Goldie, told me that I should change the name of this blog (she blogs a lot so has a very critical eye)- so I did, but I cannot figure out how to change the name that is in the url. Suggestions, my blog hero???

I will probably include some pictures of older and some newer ones. Just doing it to keep a record - I will try to give an approximate date. Anyway the order will be random. Here is my latest. It is a string quilt which is a technique that I had never done before and that I had learned at a most recent guild meeting. I have another one going as well - darker fabric.
The quilting in the center of the quilt is softly curved lines. The quilt was just that much too big to do more than that. I did do a design in the border based upon a pattern of continuous hearts that I liked. My daughter, O, asked for it and just might get it - I first have to show it to the guild and maybe a few other folks - have to get the requisite amount of oohs and aahs. The other thing about this quilt is, other than the batting, I used fabric that I had - hence the pieced back.