Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Saturday

Yesterday was my Saturday to take Lo and Ny to gymnastics.  It was Cal Football Saturday so crazy crazy crowded (Cal won, I found out later), and making parking a mercenary affair.

After gymnastics, we went to a new small farmer's market in Berkeley - to see Crystal and her new friend.  O and Dom came by as well.  Crystal's friend made me a Piadini with tomatoes, eggplant, soft cheese, seasoning, a bit of sweet chili sauce - it was amazing!  We also had grilled peaches with goat cheese - delectable combo.  The girls ate a buffalo taco on Indian fry bread.  Gotta love Berkeley!

After that, Lo, Ny and I went to SF to the Legion on Honor where there was a children's art program in the afternoon.  They learned about perspective by cutting out wedges, visiting the Paris - City of Lights exhibit, sketching a bit and then coming back and putting it all together.

The top one is Nyia's and the bottom is Loli's.
Terrific program.  Nyia wanted to sketch more but we did not have paper - she asked if she could borrow some from other people in the gallery who were sketching.  I told her not to bother them - they were concentrating.  I also told her we would come back with proper supplies and she could sketch to her heart's content.

We then went outside - a particularly magnificent day in San Francisco. 
To be close enough to visit this particular site makes us very fortunate indeed.

After that, we went for ice cream.  We chose Fentons because Nyia had been there and raved about a certain ice cream that she had with her mom (coffee with some kind of chocolate).  Back through the city - bustling and crowded and slow going - but because it was such a beautiful day, it was ok.

At Fentons - also crowded as usual.  The sizes are a bit deceiving...not smaller but bigger than they appear.  So I overordered for all of us.  They had it in a cup, I in a cone.  We sat outside and, not far into my eating journey, my cone broke sending my huge ball of ice cream heading to the ground.  Amazingly I caught it (why and how I do not know) and went back in to get a cup and spoon.
None of us finished - which was really a good thing. 
I sent Lo in for lids.
While Lo was on that quest, Ny told me she was going to throw up.
Now, it is definitely NOT decorous to hurl in front of Fentons.
I told her to breathe deeply and hold on!
We all went in,
I got lids
we found our way to the restroom.
Ny held on and was fine.

Back on the road home.   They were working through a bit of a sugar high.
Fortunately, one was going to grana's and one to dad's :-).

One terrific Saturday.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Mt Tam and Sausalito Art Festival

We drove and then hiked up to the top of Mt Tamalpais.  Beautiful day and amazing view - altho part was a bit hazy.  I took quite a few pictures - none came out as breathtaking as the view itself - some because I am still not fluent in camera.  I did like this one tho...because San Francisco looks like a city in a fairy tale.
Then we went to the Art festival in Sausalito.  Interesting, unusual, large and small, unique, beautiful art...some artists that caught me enough to get cards and look up their work on line:

Lisa Telling Kattenbraker
"Walking through childhood's city"

"She was always prepared for what she suspected might be just around the corner"

Nicario Jimenez
Artist of the Andes

Flora Zarate
Fiber Art