Sunday, September 24, 2006

Finished the Top!!!!

I have finished piecing the top of the quilt - which is pictured here. For those of you who are non-quilters, the top of the quilt is the part that would show if it was on the bed or if it was displayed on a wall.

Next up is to decide what will be on the back - which can be plain or pieced, then I will make a "quilt sandwich" consisting of the top, the center (made up of batting - a cotton material that comes in varying thicknesses and that adds weight, warmth and, for quilts that will be hung, drape to the quilt) and the back. I usually pin these three pieces together.

Then I will start quilting it. Since I do not have a lot of time, I will be machine quilting this project. I also have to decide on thread and design.

I did get a chance to see the exhibit of the Quilts of Gee's Bend at the deYoung Museum in SF this weekend. These are some incredible quilts made by African American women who live in Gee's Bend, Alabama. The museum presented a program with the women on a panel fielding questions as well as the art historian who had been instrumental in arranging for their work to be displayed. If you want to see some pix, here is the website for the museum:


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Making Some Progress

I decided to incorporate fans into the quilt to compliment the Asian theme of the challenge fabric. My stash* included other Asian inspired fabrics that would work as well.

Pictures today include:
  • fabrics that I am using
  • one of the fans
  • some of my stash :-)
  • my trusty sewing machine

*Stash - what quilters call their fabric to avoid guilt and quantification.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Introducing the Challenge Quilt

As most, if not all, of you know one of the things I do in my spare time is quilt. Some of you may even have a quilted thing or two. While I have known quilters, have gone to way too many quilt shops (both physically and virtually), have taught quilting, etc., incredibly, I have never joined a quilting guild (a club for quilters). Last year, the local quilt shop closed which somewhat dried up my opportunity to interact with fellow quilters. I finally and very recently joined the local quilting guild. It has been fun, although these ladies eat way too much!!!

At any rate, out of this guild joining thing came a new project (like I need another one). It is a Challenge Quilt – you are given some fabric with directions to make something out of it. The fabric is posted here - the directions are:

  • Goal: make a quilt (miniature ok) or a quilted garment. No tote bags, sewing kits, etc.
  • Time: Return finished item in a brown paper bag to the Oct 7th meeting. Do not put name of quiltmaker on item yet...ok to put name on bag (?)
  • Rules:
    • All challenge fabric must be visible and used on front of item
    • Add any amount of other fabric you wish
    • You can buy more challenge fabric from the store: Patchwork Cat in Benicia.
    • I added one additional personal challenge – I cannot buy any new fabric for this quilt…YEEPS!

Since “AI” does not start for a while, I thought I would take you all on a short reality show journey from challenge to outcome. The outcome, as you can see from the directions, takes place at the meeting on 10/7 (so, fear not all ye with short attention spans, the end is not far off) where all of the challenge quilts will be presented and, if not judged, at least compared.

Are you asking yourself....

  1. does she have enough fabric to pull it off....hahahahahahahaha
  2. does she know what she is doing....not usuall
  3. is she a stitch short of a seam...undoubtedlyabsolutelycompletely…what was the question?

So stay tuned for continuing episodes - no promises on frequency or regularity (is there ever?) - but expect some color, texture and excitement!!!!
