I have finished piecing the top of the quilt - which is pictured here. For those of you who are non-quilters, the top of the quilt is the part that would show if it was on the bed or if it was displayed on a wall.
Next up is to decide what will be on the back - which can be plain or pieced, then I will make a "quilt sandwich" consisting of the top, the center (made up of batting - a cotton material that comes in varying thicknesses and that adds weight, warmth and, for quilts that will be hung, drape to the quilt) and the back. I usually pin these three pieces together.
Then I will start quilting it. Since I do not have a lot of time, I will be machine quilting this project. I also have to decide on thread and design.
I did get a chance to see the exhibit of the Quilts of Gee's Bend at the deYoung Museum in SF this weekend. These are some incredible quilts made by African American women who live in Gee's Bend, Alabama. The museum presented a program with the women on a panel fielding questions as well as the art historian who had been instrumental in arranging for their work to be displayed. If you want to see some pix, here is the website for the museum: http://www.thinker.org/deyoung/
Looks awesome Nancy! Great job! :)
yay! nice looking top, and nice looking blob, too!
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