Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This past weekend, Ny asked me if she could make a quilt. She has done a bit of hand sewing and she knew just what she wanted to do. She chose the colors - blue and grey - and the design - some half square triangles. I cut them out and put dots where she should sew. We started on this at around 3:30 or 4.

An incredible 4 1/2 hours later... 4 1/2 hours of continuous sewing... here is her quilt.

She wanted to put a red border on it so she continued sewing until she was so tired she had to quit to eat and go to sleep.

Oh, and by the way, did I say she was five years old?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

why tweet if you can....

do anything else??? So the only way I can use twitter is if I am on my computer and if I am on my computer, I might as well update my blog or check facebook (which I sorta get) or check my email (which I have gotten for a good long time) or check my account balances or or or.

Anyway - I decided to post a blog entry and it goes like this....

just finished cfittin
did Cindy
9 rounds plus
I was sweatin like Whitney
I did start my warmup
with two 400 m runs
getting better at the running
not great
but better.

oh, a game for any and all..
see if you can guess what this puzzle is a picture of...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

got me tweetin

blame it on the kids... i am on twitter only I had to use quiltenfool as some other fool took my real name!!!

wild seed

We have a small, round garden that surrounds a small kinda round tree. Every year, Ny, Lo and I plant flowers there for the sheer joy of it. This year, we had some seeds so planted those as well. Apparently, some of the seeds are not flowers, in fact, we are not sure just WHAT they are. What we do know is that it is quickly taking over the small, round garden, the small kinda round tree and is now creeping toward the house.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thinking ahead and behind

Going to London to see Jay and Tina in Sept!!! Makes me happy thinking about it!!!

Been looking at our pix from last trip... random memories:

Every morning R and I got brekkie at Pret - some yogurt parfait and an egg croissant. mmm


Seeing a lady wearing the same ugly Target shirt..she was sooo busted!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Been runnin all week

went to CF today - WOD was...

run 400 m
21 sit ups
21 push ups
21 back extensions
run 400 m
15 sit ups
15 push ups
15 back extensions
run 400 m
9 sit ups
9 push ups
9 back extensions
run 400 m
for time - mine was 21.01 which is not particularly fast which coincidentally describes my running.

gotta say again, it IS good to be back at it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back at CF and hitting it hard!!!

I have been away from CF for roughly 4 weeks for one reason or another - travel, sick, etc. I am baaaack.
200m run
35 deadlifts (I did 66 lbs)
200m run
35 powercleans (33lbs)
200m run
35 snatches (33)
200m run
35 overhead squats (22)
200m run
It took me 31 min.

21 - 15 - 9
jumping pullups
wall balls (8 lbs)
I did that in about 5 min - but it was the warmup that was the kicker....

800 m run
3 rounds of
Sampson stretch/shoulder dislocates/good mornings
10 squats
10 medicine ball slams
10 burpees

I did two days in a row so I could handle what was taking place today - I took my Target team (my boss and peers) to a crossfit team event. We did an obstacle course that Ly and Phil put together.... warmup then...

AMRAP in 20 min
jumping over five low bars
5 burpees
3 box jumps
5 pull ups
5 kettle ball swings
5 sit ups
5 squats
run 100 m
and do it all over again

each team did 30 reps so it was a tie!!!

Here are some pix...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday flying kites

Sunday at Berkeley Marina
with two kites, two daughters, two granddaughters and a dog
took us almost 2 hours to get the kites to stay in the air
but once there, it was sublime.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fourth of July

At the symphony in the park.....

Then some ice cream, yesssss!
And just fun hanging with my dd.

Friday, July 10, 2009

the things we do....

The group is called Crimson Steel, we play our first (and, god help us) our last gig on Fri 7/17 at a resort by Lake Arrowhead. Our signature song is You Give Love a Bad Name. I play the drums.

Monday, July 06, 2009

thankfully everything has an end...

and the sun does come up and will cast away all darkness bringing with it all that is beautiful and joyful in the world ....

allowing me to get back to my kickass healthy self!!!

thanks for all the cards and letters of concern - you are all the bomb!!!

Friday, July 03, 2009

life lately - warning ... this is not light hearted - is it self serving and quite pitiful

I have lately been sick. It seems like forever, but it has only been about 10 days. It is the flu - not sure if it is the dreaded flu - not sure if I want to know. It brought with it a serious and prolonged sore throat; muscle and bone aches as if I had worked out for 24 hours straight; headaches; fatigue; and on and on and on.

Everyday I wake up hoping to feel better but it seems like the recovery is in small itty bitty increments of improvement. I long to wake up and be able to clearly, not doubt about it, absolutely say that I am better. So far, NOT.

So, I have not been working out consistently for about 3-4 weeks - part because of travel and the rest because of sick. It feels like all of the traction and progress I have made is melting away. I am not happy about that.

I have missed some work days. Not particularly a concern except that there were things I did want to get done.

I am grumpy. I see everything in the most negative light. I don't think I am the most positive fun person anyway - add sick in the mix and I become more closed in and any teeny bits of positivity or funocity disappears. Not happy about that and I am sure that those around me aren't either.

I can't stand laying around and I am not a great napper!! All my life I have been moving around - doing something. Lack of energy forces me to do stuff I do not like - more deposits into the grumpy bank. Not happy.

In short, I do NOT do sick well at all. I don't even want to be around me.

The only thing that might even be a positive is that I weighed myself - down 3 lbs. Cost is too high, tho.

I must say that R has been taking care of me - with the patience of a saint. From my perspective, his actions are truly altruistic as he is getting absolutely no return on his investment of time, solicitation, or servings of chicken soup. I do love him so.

So - now that I have used this opportunity to dump (and hopefully to exorcise) all this toxicity, I thought I would [finally] end this wonderful post with a look forward out of this dark and dank place that I am in to what is possible, to what is worthwhile, to what could be a ray of sunshine...

In September, we are going to London. We are taking a side trip to Florence. To give you a taste of where and what....