not giving up, you understand, just a bit crapped out about it.
Yesterday's WOD was in teams of two...
10 rounds for time of...
1 snatch
3 hang power cleans
2 push press/push jerk
run 100 m
Did my burpees when I got home.
Also went to a competition in another CF gym for age 40 and older - called them a masters class. The first event was running...altho they did not tell them how far they were going to run. They just got to a point and were told to keep going - that happened about 3 times. Ended up to be about 3 miles. Second was power cleans and third was wall balls. I just heard about it the night before. If they ever hold one for 50 and older, I will enter.
Yesterday's WOD has me hobbling - it's the lunges - my backside from my buttocks to my ankles ...pain pain pain. Didn't help this nagging left leg achilles issue either.
Enough whining -
Food facts - b - turkey, banana, grapes; L - nuts, beef jerkey; D - beef, squash, green.
Did burpees in the am - before the pain set in. Did not run - altho I did a lot of running in the rain.
Miss my Crystal - you having fun, girly girl?
Miss my Loli - hope to see her this weekend.
Miss reading about Jay - you still on the burpee challenge? I got my peers on a 100 day challenge - we will see how they do. Are you also on another month's food challenge? Post, my son, post!
Borough Market - a most amazing place...amazing food, bustling, colorful, fun. Bought nuts, a smoothy and ostrich burgers which we ate that night - highly recommended although do not look for an endorsement from R who could not bring himself to try one.
Our team still won - did it in about 16 mins
B - banana, coffee w/creamer
L - chicken and a small portion of meatloaf (slim pickins as it was at the Quilt Guild meeting), apple
S(nack) - grapes/nuts/raisins
D-meatballs from Costco (delicious) probably a bit less than paleo tho/tomatoes/peppers/radishes
some pea soup
Fotos: Some amazing ceilings - such detail and workmanship. Unfortunately, most of the buildings we were in did not allow photos and those were the ones that tended to have the best ceilings. Here are a few that I did get - legally or otherwise (one a bit blurry, but I really liked it anyway) ...
*sparkling water (about 3/4), oj (almost to the top), pomegranate juice over ice. try it - very refreshing, low cal, does the job.
Paleo for 30 days - weekly cheat day, salt and daily coffee allowed
Each day, as part of my warmup or, if I do not get to CR, I do it anyway, the following:
CrossFit at least 3-4 times per week (have some travel this month)- push myself to exceed past performance.
Goal is to lose 20 lbs by Christmas/10 by end of month (starting weight is 160) and the reward is to go to SF Levi store with J in December to get custom fitted jeans.