Friday, January 09, 2009


was the WOD today... that is: 50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and situps

for time. I did jump ups (or some such name)

instead of double unders.they said that they would scale the WOD back to 25-20-15-10-5
but J, you would be proud of me...I would have none of that!!!

I did Annie's jump ups and situps starting at 50 then 40 30 20 10 and I did them

in 13:35 which was faster than at least 3 people on the white board,
two were younger than me.



Jay said...


That's a good time!

You must have been tired after this one.

Tell them you can handle the workouts and to stop giving you an easy way out!

goldie said...

That pic of the people jumping is cracking me up