Saturday, January 31, 2009

End of January

J and T were here for holidays - so much fun..miss them so!
There is a fairy tale - I think it has something to do with swans and an unrecognized princess - where the UR is knitting or sewing something that needs to be completed and thrown over the swans so they won't perish by stake burning. Huge sense of urgency to get it done, lots of pressure, very time bound kind of story. She does it and they LHEA*. Same sense of urgency without the stake burning possibility but, hopefully, the same LHEA ending with this that I made for J and T while they were here....

*Live happily ever after

C had a bday! 25 and beautiful. smart, funny and together as ever. I am so proud of her.

Back to work - need I say more - but I am thankful that I am working. So many are not.

Stayed true to fitness intentions - crossfit at least 3 times a week/paleo dieting without many diversions or distractions. J, I do miss you at the gym - you made me try harder, go faster, lift more and so on.
We all waved goodbye...

or at least one did

And said hello...

And were happy!

But first there is the glory...
then there is the work

and a lot of work there is.

I do have hope.

That same historic week included a bday for the Lo! A very big 6!!! A joyful, happy, beautiful, adorable, smart, funny and amazing 6!

Then J had a birthday! January is busy. We sent him a bunch of videos of us wishing him a happy one - the good ones and the outtakes. We could just see him smile and hear him laugh as he watched them!
Just got back from a week long trip to Minneapolis for work - it was zero degrees, that's right, no degrees!! Blippin cold and, of course, I only have California weather gear. I survived but am glad to be back. I was reminded of how unhealthy business travel really is. I did do some of the cross fit warm ups while I was there and did try to eat healthily - but it was not easy. I really do understand how I blimped up the 18 months I was on the road!!!
That was January - I am off to crossfittin!
Yesterday it was lifting
WOD January 30 2009
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
only I did 22 pounds and did it 16 times.
Looking forward to today....

1 comment:

Jay said...

what a fun post! I miss you guys!