CFV and CFS combined for a charity event yesterday. It made the paper...
the WOD was:
"Fallen Four" Tribute WOD, done in teams of 2 to 4 people:
400m Heavy Bag Team Run (80#)
20 pull ups
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 squats
400m Heavy Bag Team Run
20 burpees
20 box jumps
20 walking lunges
20 Push Press (75#m/55#w)
400m Heavy Bag Team Run
Then repeat the first two.
Okay so I tried this routine, because my older sis can't out do me! A Man at 6 foot! It wiped my "A" out. So I am thinking of having her as my body guard :)
Way to go Nancy!
ha - anytime, bro!
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