Friday, September 25, 2009

Back Home

and really feeling the jet lag. For the last two days, I am awake at 2:30-3am!!! SUCKS! And this am, R was up as well. Good thing there is the weekend to get this right!! Might go to CrossFit this am to wear myself out a bit - who knows, might help, couldn't hurt.

Some pix from CF Central London:

It was so much fun to work out with Jay - he is one of the trainers at CrossFit Central London. He puts together the weekly schedule and trains the 6:30-7am class. He is terrific at it!!! He even got R to go - once, but hey, he went!
Also, he has really been stepping up his fitness routine... See his website: . He is doing a 30 day Paleo challenge (for those who don't know, that is a way of eating that involves no carbs, no sugar, no salt - all protein, veg and fruits); a 100 day burpee challenge - which means day 1, do 1 burpee; day 2, do 2; etc. As you can see from his blog, he is up to day 50 and he is doing them in better times each time with his latest at 3:48 min!!!

So, he has inspired me (as he usually does - I do CF because of him). I am down for a challenge for the balance of the year - done in 30 day increments. The first 30 days starting 10/1 is this:
  1. Paleo for 30 days - with a weekly cheat meal if necessary
  2. Each day, as part of my warmup or, if I do not get to CR, I do it anyway, the following: 20 burpees - working up to 30/day; DU working up to 30 per day - can't do one now); when I am at the gym - 30 pull ups working to do at least one unassisted; run 400 m working up to 800m without stopping (this is hard for me).
  3. CrossFit at least 4 times per week - push myself to exceed past performance.

A goal is to lose 20 lbs and the reward is to go to SF Levi store when J and T are here in December to get custom fitted jeans.

Here is what burpees look like (the muscle ups at the end are a bit over the top - not that I am jealous or anything):


Susan said...

Welcome back! I miss your posts. Sounds like you had a great time.

I could probably do a burpee, but I choose not to. Ha!

Jay said...

Woo hoo! Can't wait to see your progress!