I figured since we were at home, we ought to be able to settle into a regular waking/sleeping routine fairly easily....WRONG. It took until this am for me to sleep until 5:30am - which may seem early to most but it is my usual wake up time. Can't tell you how happy that made me!!

I did go CF last night - warmup was 5 min jumprope, 1 round of regular warmup and then 3-3-3-3-3 of snatch. Workout was 7 rounds of 10 each - wallballs, squats, push ups. I did it in 12 minutes which was not setting the world on fire, but it was ok and it was done!
This am - CF workout, after a significant amount of stretching, was 3 rounds of 12 each - burpees, pull ups, sit ups, box jumps. I did it in 10:54 and was not the last one. The first 12 burpees were ok and actually in pretty good form...after that, crap both in form and in the quality of fun doing them. My burpees focus in October will help.
Delivered a quilt to Jay this trip - one that I had been wanted to make for a while...

The back is fleece...I think he liked it!
Still love it! Go mom and go cal!
Wow! that is just beautiful!
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