- not really being honest about what I have eaten - no reason to lie... reject this one
- not doing the work ... reject even tho I missed a day
- not eating enough vegetables - I think this is true
- eating too many nuts - as they are easy snacks and available - true
- body is too damn old to respond to diet efforts like it used to - this might be true too
not giving up, you understand, just a bit crapped out about it.
Yesterday's WOD was in teams of two...
10 rounds for time of...
1 snatch
3 hang power cleans
2 push press/push jerk
run 100 m
Did my burpees when I got home.
Also went to a competition in another CF gym for age 40 and older - called them a masters class. The first event was running...altho they did not tell them how far they were going to run. They just got to a point and were told to keep going - that happened about 3 times. Ended up to be about 3 miles. Second was power cleans and third was wall balls. I just heard about it the night before. If they ever hold one for 50 and older, I will enter.
Don't give up. I lost a whole pound last week. WTF! Strict diet, good work-outs. However, I did lose inches. Did you lose inches?
good point. you should start measuring inches when you weigh. i'm sure you'd see results.
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