Saturday, August 29, 2009


blues must be a universally human experience
an entire genre of music is dedicated to them
what's the purpose tho
they seem to come out of nowhere
and are difficult to shake
even if you look around and tell yourself
you have tons for which to be thankful
altho I have never been quite sure just who it is I am supposed to thank
and, if you can pull yourself up enough to look at yourself
you would say
buck up
cut the crap
life is not allaboutyou
you still get stuck in the swirl of them
the heaviness of them
the life looks like shit of them
with no end in sight...
a small part of me knows that eventually
the fuse that is blown or the breaker that has broken
will get the attention necessary to make things light again
put the workorderindammit

Saturday, August 22, 2009


With or without religion,
you would have good people doing good things
and evil people doing evil things.
But for good people to do evil things,
that takes religion.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Day with my Brother

My brother is a good sport. I kept asking him to join me at a CrossFit class and he agreed to come yesterday morning. He also agreed to do all that the class asked him to do and he did it well and with grace.
Then we went to breakfast, joined for a quick bite by O.
We took a trip to Berkeley in search of something for a quilt I am working on - bounced around Berkeley Bowl for a bit. Located C to say hi.
Back at the ranch for more good convo with R, some baseball watching and some eats.
Bro - love you so, thanks for a perfect Saturday.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

mo pigs

A striped bank I made while I was waiting to hear the results of a job interview.

A cute lady bug one

This is one of my favs!!!

always finish a WOD

no matter how awful you look!!!!