Sunday, September 05, 2010

Mt Tam and Sausalito Art Festival

We drove and then hiked up to the top of Mt Tamalpais.  Beautiful day and amazing view - altho part was a bit hazy.  I took quite a few pictures - none came out as breathtaking as the view itself - some because I am still not fluent in camera.  I did like this one tho...because San Francisco looks like a city in a fairy tale.
Then we went to the Art festival in Sausalito.  Interesting, unusual, large and small, unique, beautiful art...some artists that caught me enough to get cards and look up their work on line:

Lisa Telling Kattenbraker
"Walking through childhood's city"

"She was always prepared for what she suspected might be just around the corner"

Nicario Jimenez
Artist of the Andes

Flora Zarate
Fiber Art


Katana said...

Love the art!!!!

Running Corgi said...

I agree, great art!

karim said...

Wonderful! picture is very nice. Thanks,

karim said...

Wonderful! picture is very nice. Thanks,