Painting - the grands and I went to Artcentric as our special place this Saturday. It is a place where you paint ceramic items and then they fire them for you. The girls picked out some statues - their respective personalities came out during the session... N loves projects and the whole time she kept saying.... Grandma, I am having soooo much fun!!! L can take projects or leave them so she quickly painted hers and then spent the rest of the time playing with all of the marbles and doo dads that were at the place.
I painted a bowl pictured below. I would post pix of what the Ni and the Lo did except they intend to give them as Christmas gifts to their moms and I would not want to give away more than the girls have already told them.

Panting - yesterday I did the Elizabeth which was 21, 15, 9 each of medicine ball lifts and dips. I did em all in less than 8 minutes :-)
Pretty bowl!
Nyia has had a HARD time not telling me what her and Loli made. I can't wait to see! Loli had a blast, though - she told me. :)
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