Then to Truckee and the snow.....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Recipe for family fun - cookies, gifts and a bit of snow
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas morning
If I do not have it, I will take a trip in the wee hours to get it before I have my coffee. Another addiction to something that has absolutely no nutritional is probably not even made of anything real except the taste.
Burpees...Jay and I did 90 yesterday am...he did them in 10:50, I did them in 11:30. Both are incredible times. The last time I did them sub 12 min was when I did 70 something of them. Goes to show you what a little competition and encouragement will do. Only 10 more days and I will have done a burpee challenge without missing a day!!!!
On another NOT tell Nyia the contents of any Christmas gift...she can't keep anything even under dire threat...she is so bad at this, she can't keep that she told!!! Part of the issue is she is a non-stop talker so she is constantly in need of subject matter coupled with her propensity to say anything and everything that is on her mind. A disaster for Christmas secrets.
Merry Christmas to all...I hope that you are as fortunate as I am to have such an incredible family and to have this incredible family with me during the holidays.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Only Two More Days
When I was younger and my sis was in her teens, I went back home for a visit. On her calendar, she had my name on the date of my arrival along with some happy faces/doodles. I was so touched when I saw it.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Not many posts...
Work is work, but there are far worse places I could work and I do have work. They seem to like me, I stay engaged and challenged, I have one of the best teams I have ever worked with, I get a great deal of freedom to choose how I spend my time, I get 5+ weeks vaca, and they pay me!!! All in all not a bad way to spend a decade :-)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Personal Best
Deadlift - 180 lbs
Back Squats - 135 lbs
AND did 80 burpees
not bad at all.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Busy and Cold
This is Mt Diablo
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
two burpee stories
Two - on Sunday, I asked Ny, my grand, if she would time my burpees with a stopwatch. I showed her how and as soon as she pressed the start button, she started yelling at me with things like....
Sunday, December 06, 2009
pillowcases and shoelaces
In the background is my good friend Francie...we blog but have not seen each other for a bit. Was so fun to hang for an hour or two.
This next one is a keeper...
Friday, December 04, 2009
Nothing like a finished quilt...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
this certainly was a long cheat weekend!!!! And the weigh in shows up 2 lbs - ah well.
You know, when you run out of gravy, you might as well have run out of everything else.. Except, of course, the turkey which, if I was supposed to eat bread, gets between two slices of bread, some mayo and there you have it!!!Worked most of the weekend - Black Friday, Clean up Saturday. Off today.
Been doing burpees - on Thanksgiving, O and I did them together, all 62 of them in 8:20. Good to have someone around to push you.
Since then, I have broken them up and do half at a clip. I know, I know, but I AM doing them - haven't missed a day yet...scares the crap out of me to have to double them up.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanks and the day after...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wake up tooth fairy
Took quite a bit of doing, but finally we got the floss around the tooth.
Then, mom and Ny go to a doorknob because everyone knows that is one way to do it (although I do not remember any of the teeth on any of the kids coming out in this manner).
Mom has one end of the floss, gramps is looking on. Nyia is backing away from the doorknob and mom is acting not so sure. The floss is getting taut between them so quick thinking and acting gramps karate chops the floss.
Out pops the tooth.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Weigh In Sunday
burpees ... 58 in 8:53 - not bad - it is VERY important to time them because when you are low and do not want to do burpees (is there ever such a time??) - you can tell yourself it will only take 9 minutes...surely you can do that!
Did not go to CrossFit yesterday as just had to sew that mystery quilt. I have done 3 mystery quilts so far and I only really like one - it is not the pattern, it is where I choose to put the fabric before I know what it is going to look like. There must be a method to it that I just have not gotten yet.
But I also did not go to CF because on Friday, I had to run 4X400m (among other things) and my right leg was hurting a lot more than usual. Anyway it made sense to rest it for a while. Depending upon how I feel, I might take Monday and Tuesday off as well - then go on Wed. I figure as long as I do my burpees, I should be ok.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Mystery Quilt
And here is what it turned out to be.
Now that I know the solution to the mystery, I might have gone about solving it a bit differently...but, as usual, it was fun. For those who are really good detectives, you will note that one corner is left undone...I only needed a 3 1/2 inch square and did not have it with me...fortunately, I did have enough at home.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, at last
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Politics at the local guild
Run 800 meters
25 Box Jumps (30/24")
15 Swings (70/53)
Run 400 Meters
25 Squat-Thrust Burpees
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday at the alumni game
records and non records
today did 51 burpees at 7:31...2 more seconds than yesterday...mmmm
today weigh in broke the 156 barrier at 155 (I never count the stuff after the decimal point) - a record - at least for this go around!!!
Going to O's alumni game with my bro, Mike...gonna be fun.
And a shout out Happy Birthday to my sis.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You would think just 12 more would only take a minute but those 12 took at least 2 1/2.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tomorrow fast forwarding to 50 so Jay can participate and so we can hit 100 when he is here.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
hey hey hey
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
One description is:
Mixed Modal
High Intensity
Functional Movement
in a team oriented environment
with challenging, but caring, trainers.
Another is:
burpees today...36 in 5:01Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Screwing with the time
Sunday, November 08, 2009
To catch up a bit...
It was fun. The WOD was Tabata - squats, push ups and situps. Then they added burpees.
Friday - regular CRV warmup. Workout was:
For time:
- 30 backsquats - I lifted 85lbs
- 1 mile run
My time was 29 minutes even! Not bad, I thought.
Saturday -team workout - 50m death by running. That is so much harder than running straight! I did 12 rounds - best folks got to 16 rounds.
Babies spent the night - haven't had a sleepover with them for a while. Cutest grands in the world!
Today - did not run, but did 33 burpees in 4:21 and have not missed a burpee day yet. I am afraid to!!!
Today was a cheat eating day because we went to a brunch and then went to see baby cute, although it is so hard to think of Elijah and Leslie as old enough to be parents!!