Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanks and the day after...

These pics are for J and T who could not be here for the festivities but will be here soon!

Of course, things always start with family and friends.

And a few mad games of Old Maid ....

in which Nyia sets a new record of losing 4 times in a row.

The turkey was barbecued - HIGHLY recommended.
And the sides, oh the sides....need I say more????


Francie said...

Whotta spread!!! If a good time wasn't had by all, something's seriously wrong here.

I went to bed at 3:30 this morning - thought about you just getting up for the Black Friday insanity! I hope you survived...!

Mastering It said...

As you were going to bed, I was getting up!!! Stores opened at 5am- crazy but off to another retail season!