Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One for a friend

After seeing the Cal quilt that I made for J, Mary, a friend from the gym, asked me if I finished quilts. She said that a few years ago, a friend made some embroidery patches for her and she started putting it together as a quilt. It was not turning out as she wanted and she stopped working on it. I told her I would take a look. Once I did, I asked her if she would mind if it took a bit of artistic license - I also asked her if she had a deadline. The answer was no to both. She is a local police officer so she gave me some of her old uniform patches as well. I took the quilt apart, used some of the fabric she had, added quite a lot from my stash and reworked it. I gave it to her two weeks ago on a day, her partner told me, that she had just put down her dog. I hope it made her feel better.

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