Sunday, November 29, 2009


this certainly was a long cheat weekend!!!! And the weigh in shows up 2 lbs - ah well.

You know, when you run out of gravy, you might as well have run out of everything else.. Except, of course, the turkey which, if I was supposed to eat bread, gets between two slices of bread, some mayo and there you have it!!!

Worked most of the weekend - Black Friday, Clean up Saturday. Off today.

Been doing burpees - on Thanksgiving, O and I did them together, all 62 of them in 8:20. Good to have someone around to push you.

Since then, I have broken them up and do half at a clip. I know, I know, but I AM doing them - haven't missed a day yet...scares the crap out of me to have to double them up.

Will be back to doing them all at once tomorrow.
back to regular CFittin
back to eating right

of course,


Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanks and the day after...

These pics are for J and T who could not be here for the festivities but will be here soon!

Of course, things always start with family and friends.

And a few mad games of Old Maid ....

in which Nyia sets a new record of losing 4 times in a row.

The turkey was barbecued - HIGHLY recommended.
And the sides, oh the sides....need I say more????

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wake up tooth fairy

I am not sure why, but it always seems to be more important to adults that a loose tooth gets disengaged from a child's mouth than said child. Such was the case this weekend with Nyia, N's mom, gramps and me. To be fair, that tooth was quite loose and, in fact, the replacement tooth was already more than crowned!
Anyway, we convinced Nyia that we should have a go at it.

Took quite a bit of doing, but finally we got the floss around the tooth.

Then, mom and Ny go to a doorknob because everyone knows that is one way to do it (although I do not remember any of the teeth on any of the kids coming out in this manner).

Mom has one end of the floss, gramps is looking on. Nyia is backing away from the doorknob and mom is acting not so sure. The floss is getting taut between them so quick thinking and acting gramps karate chops the floss.

Out pops the tooth.

A new look and, of course, she just had to tell the whole fam about it!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weigh In Sunday

broke the 155 barrier - now at 154 :-)
burpees ... 58 in 8:53 - not bad - it is VERY important to time them because when you are low and do not want to do burpees (is there ever such a time??) - you can tell yourself it will only take 9 minutes...surely you can do that!

Did not go to CrossFit yesterday as just had to sew that mystery quilt. I have done 3 mystery quilts so far and I only really like one - it is not the pattern, it is where I choose to put the fabric before I know what it is going to look like. There must be a method to it that I just have not gotten yet.

But I also did not go to CF because on Friday, I had to run 4X400m (among other things) and my right leg was hurting a lot more than usual. Anyway it made sense to rest it for a while. Depending upon how I feel, I might take Monday and Tuesday off as well - then go on Wed. I figure as long as I do my burpees, I should be ok.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mystery Quilt

Going to a mystery quilt class - where we get the fabric according to some general description, cut it out and do some pre-sewing but we do not know what it is going to look like. I like these classes although I struggle a bit picking the fabric. Here is what I am using:

And here is what it turned out to be.

Now that I know the solution to the mystery, I might have gone about solving it a bit differently...but, as usual, it was fun. For those who are really good detectives, you will note that one corner is left undone...I only needed a 3 1/2 inch square and did not have it with me...fortunately, I did have enough at home.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, at last

This seemed like a long week so Friday is welcome. Next week is Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas retail season...busy busy. Thinking of barbecued Turkey - did it once before and it was also frees up the oven for all of the carbs that need cooking!
Have to get up at around 3:30am the day after Thanksgiving so I can visit stores that open at 5am - crazy!!!

Still at it with burpees - so far, no days missed. up to 56 in 9:09. Did not go to Crossfit on Wed - two reasons - work and my leg needed a rest as it was hurting from the deadlifts last week. Back at it tonight.

N and L demonstrated wall sits for R and me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Politics at the local guild

So, foolish as it sounds, I allowed myself to be appointed VP of our Quilt Guild for next year. Already there is guild drama and I only got appointed two weeks ago AND my term does not start til January. Not sure if I can take it.

On a burpee note - up to 53 this morning - did it in 8:10 which is too long.
They should have paid us to do last night's WOD:

3 Rounds of:

25 Air Squats/15 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
25 Box Jumps (30/24")
15 Swings (70/53)
Run 400 Meters
25 Squat-Thrust Burpees

I did it in 24:05
I did NOT do it Rx, however.

One cute pix of Nyia...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday at the alumni game

which, as is only right, the alumni lost. I asked O to score 4 pts, which she of which was a three pointer.

We asked Nyia to take our picture - see below turned out a bit odd and dark but here we are. And, altho my hair can use some styling, that point at the top of my head is part of the background!

records and non records

Yesterday, I deadlifted 173 which is about 2 lbs less than my record. I think I could have lifted 10 more lbs but I felt a painful pull in the wrong area so stopped there.

today did 51 burpees at 7:31...2 more seconds than yesterday...mmmm

today weigh in broke the 156 barrier at 155 (I never count the stuff after the decimal point) - a record - at least for this go around!!!

Going to O's alumni game with my bro, Mike...gonna be fun.

And a shout out Happy Birthday to my sis.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


took me 7:29.

You would think just 12 more would only take a minute but those 12 took at least 2 1/2.

Friday, November 13, 2009


burpees - this morning did 38 in 4:48. So far, in this challenge, I have done at least 750 burpees and have not missed a day. I say, at least, because I started by doing 20 each day until my fellow co-challengers caught up and because we have had some WODs that included burpees.

Tomorrow fast forwarding to 50 so Jay can participate and so we can hit 100 when he is here.
What a mom won't do for her superhero son.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

hey hey hey

I did a double fact I did 30 of them!! Not in a row, mind you, but 30 nonetheless. In case you do not know what a double under is....if you think it looks easy, try it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


People ask me what CrossFit is - and I go on and on. I need a short, concise explanation for it so I grab their interest without scaring them off.

One description is:

Mixed Modal

High Intensity

Functional Movement

in a team oriented environment

with challenging, but caring, trainers.

Another is:

burpees today...36 in 5:01

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Screwing with the time

I don't know about any of you,
but I am not a fan of changing the time -
particularly at this time of year.

I am not sure why daylight
is more important to save
during the summer than the winter

Or why Arizona
doesn't have to do it
and we do

I hate it when I work in the office
(with no windows)
and leave at a decent time
(5 or so)
and emerge into darkness.
It makes me feel like this...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

To catch up a bit...

Wednesday, I had the chance to work out with some of the women from the SJ Police Department. They have their own gym and the woman who was instrumental in bringing it to the department gave a speech about CrossFit to a Women Leaders in Law Enforcement Conference that my company sponsored.

It was fun. The WOD was Tabata - squats, push ups and situps. Then they added burpees.

Friday - regular CRV warmup. Workout was:
For time:
  • 30 backsquats - I lifted 85lbs
  • 1 mile run

My time was 29 minutes even! Not bad, I thought.

Saturday -team workout - 50m death by running. That is so much harder than running straight! I did 12 rounds - best folks got to 16 rounds.

Babies spent the night - haven't had a sleepover with them for a while. Cutest grands in the world!

Today - did not run, but did 33 burpees in 4:21 and have not missed a burpee day yet. I am afraid to!!!

Today was a cheat eating day because we went to a brunch and then went to see baby cute, although it is so hard to think of Elijah and Leslie as old enough to be parents!!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Piazza di burpee

Here is where I do my burpees and where I did 31 this morning:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Donation Quilts

This is two quilts - the front is mostly the same, the back fabric is different. Just thought the fabric was adorable. Donated them to Project Linus this past weekend.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Warmup was run 800m and then some stretches.

then Angie, the WOD:
100 pullups (with band)
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

did it in 29 min.

amazingly... I did look up the WOD earlier today and I still showed up!!!

also did 27 burpees this am in 4:05

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Costumes, concert and results

Two beauties and a rock star in spandex!

There are a number of great things about the company I work is that I get to go to conferences and meetings and see folks I wouldn't ordinarily see. And I get to see them up close and personal. Last week, I went to the CA Women's Conference - heard some awesome speakers including Katie Couric and Madeline Albright and heard Alicia Keys speak and sing. She is beautiful, got a great set of pipes, loves her mom, and does some admirable work with her Keep a Child Alive organization which provides AIDs medication to children in Africa.

finally - results...

weight is the same at 156..I would check out inches lost except I did not measure at the beginning. I do know I am down 3-4 sizes since I began CrossFit last year and this month solidly down a size (you know, there is down a size and there is REALLY down a size).

New goals/tactics (most are continuing) are:

  1. Work on pullups every time - goal: 1 unassisted pull up by Christmas
  2. Run 400 - 800 m every day - goal: run 400m in less than 2 minutes
  3. Continue 100 day burpee challenge - do them all at once & time them - goal: do them faster than day before
  4. Continue Paleo (altho today will be a cheat day) - goal: down 5 pounds by 12/1