Friday, May 22, 2009

check it out

Do you see that yellow light at about the 5:00 point? That is the dreaded check engine light.

It is an automatic $175 just to check it out.
Fixing it is on top of that.
For me, for today, the fixing it up part costs upwards of $350 just to get that light to go out.
Doesn't it seem a bit suspect to you?
A light all of the sudden goes on
and money all of the sudden goes out.
I asked them if they had a remote control
that they use
if we don't visit them enough
or if they sense that we just might have some bucks in the pocket.
They said no.
I, for one, am not so sure.


Katana said...

That is why they call them idiot lights!

Mastering It said...

good point