Thursday, December 17, 2009

Not many posts...

been busy at work - but, incredibly, this week I hit my 10 year anniversary at bullseye country. I hate to be does seem just like yesterday. Can't have the next 10 fly by so quickly!!!

Work is work, but there are far worse places I could work and I do have work. They seem to like me, I stay engaged and challenged, I have one of the best teams I have ever worked with, I get a great deal of freedom to choose how I spend my time, I get 5+ weeks vaca, and they pay me!!! All in all not a bad way to spend a decade :-)

1 comment:

Francie said...

I love to hear people say they like their jobs... unfortunately I was never able to say that. Sometimes I think it's a waste of a life, but then, the stuff I do away from work has always been fun and fulfilling, and I couldn't have done it all without working! What a conundrum!