Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ha ah!

161.6...need I say more???

Walked in am
Ate -
B - turkey, pineapple, cantalope, pomegranate seeds
L - turkey, tomatoes, carrots
S - apple, celery with l/o quickie guac
D - crab, kale, cauliflower, asparagus
of course - my coffee

CrossFit -
3 rounds of 15 each...for time (21 min)
rockups - not at all a graceful event
burpees - 4 pt

Feeling pretty darn good. Not hungry although yesterday I yearned for something sweet. I got through it.


Jay said...

wow, your weight is really dropping!

nice work!

What is a 4 pt burpee?

goldie said...

Kick butt, mom!!!

Mastering It said...

a 4pt burpee is - squat, one leg out, the other leg out, the first leg back and then the second leg back...different from both legs out at the same time. I can't quite do that yet.