Thursday, December 04, 2008

ok, Ima believer...

I just weighed in and I am down to 165!!!

So yesterday - here is what I did and ate...

walked in the am

breakfast - turkey, carrots, tomatoes
snack - nuts
lunch - rest of the turkey and veg, cutie orange
snack - apple
dinner - chicken breasts, grilled asparagus and mini bell peppers
dessert - baked apple
Of course - one cuppa coffee with creamer and then one grande soy vanilla latte - extra hot, no foam (this is what I CANNOT give up)

Did not go to CF as my schedule did not permit. I will be going today.

ha! amazing - we will see if it continues. I will say, I am not hungry on this.


Mastering It said...

I am not sure that the creamer I drink could be considered dairy or even if it has calcium. I am sure it is right up there with bologna and cheeze wiz in the processed food group.

I did find sliced breast of turkey at safeway that is great to keep around and have for breakfast. seems to work. also have tried some of the recipes from the book and not bad at all.

Jay said...

Don't mess with Teanut, she's serious about this!

Nice work mom, i think you'll find that your workouts will improve on this diet as well.

Mastering It said...

Sooooo Teanut - what can YOU not do without?????

Anonymous said...

just thinking about all of the stuff that you guys are weeding out is making me hungry.

congrats mom.!!!