Thursday, November 06, 2008

The day after...

we are back to abnormal - but hopefully, we are on a way to a new and better normal. I did work the election as a Roving Inspector - it was fun, spirits were higher than I have ever seen, voting was higher than ever. Long day and one to remember.

One plea - our voting process needs more efficient, effective, competent folks to help out on election days. It is one day plus a few hours of training - but it is worthwhile work. Consider it.

Also - not apropos to the election at all or even to quilting or even to fitness (I have been doing well so far)... I went to the California Governors Womens Conference (I know I am missing some apostrophes there somewhere) and visited a vendor booth called Bead For Life. I bought some of their jewelry. The organization is a group of women from Africa who make beads from magazines. So interesting and a worthwhile cause. The site is Here are some pix...check out their site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wear my bracelet everyday! LOVE it.

also, all day on tuesday i was telling people that my mom was "busy working the polls." haha.