Tuesday, November 25, 2008

quilts again....

These top three were quilts I made to donate to St Vincents which was the orphanage in which my dad and his two brothers grew up. It now has a number of group homes for young boys with abuse problems.

This is a poncho I made for Goldie. I am not sure she really ever wore it - maybe she should give it back and I will recycle it into a quilt. Always have to be careful about quilted wearable stuff - as fashion is in the eye and mind of the wearer. In my case, high fashion is anything that does not itch (Gilda Radner agrees).


Jay said...

HA! I love how dad is in the background, not caring about being put in the blog, refusing to move out of his seat for the pics..haha!

So are you still working out 3 days/week? I'm posting lengthy and regularly in response to your comment.

Mastering It said...

I have been working out 3 days/week - on my second 12 punch card!!! Went last night - they are closed for most of this week so I will have to do some stuff at home to keep up.

Mastering It said...

you two are funny - you focus on the background. wonder what that means.