Friday, November 07, 2008

Fitness and Fabric Bowls

Fitness - so far this week.....
  • Sunday - biked with R.
  • Monday - walked in the am/ went to Cross Fit in the PM - worked on medicine ball squats/lifts (I think that is what they are called). It is where you squat, lift a medicine ball with straight arms, jump up, shrug shoulders, lift the medicine ball by releasing the ball, then bending arms, and then squat again once you are under it. Did 50.
  • Tuesday - worked election - that was enough
  • Wednesday - did not go to CrossFit - got home too late and was way too tired
  • Thursday - CrossFit - went at around 6:30 - they had a different kind of class starting at 7 so I did a short warm up and then did squats with a medicine ball - stood up and threw it up against the wall above a certain line. Did 50 in around 2.5 minutes - they thought that was great and that I could have done 100. I, on the other hand, was really not so sure. It was a very short one, but intense.
  • I will be going to CrossFit again tonight. I have officially signed up for the MWF 6:30 pm session.

Been very zoned in the eating - it is getting easy and I feel pretty good about that.

Sunday will tell the story, tho!!!!

Fabric Bowls -
I have been making fabric bowls for a while. When O started working at a school, she asked for one that was school themed (I don't have a picture of it, maybe O will oblige). I then made one for Halloween for both O and Goldie. Holidays and seasons change so now it is time for a T-giving theme. Finished them this am - pix below...


Mastering It said...

speaking of Target themes - a Target package came for you the day after you left. got something to look forward to other than junk mail when you come back.

Jay said...

you gotta learn the names of these things if ur gonna be a true crossfitter!

the first one was called a medicine ball clean, and the second one was a wall ball.

Anonymous said...

the t-giving bowl is currently on my desk. i've already gotten a few compliments.