Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday with Lo and Goldie

I know, I know, it is Sunday and it is weigh in day. Well I DID weigh in and I decided, clearly because I was not pleased with the lack of results, that, before I post this new #, I would weigh in each day this week and take the average. It is not that I gained a lot, I did not, I just did not lose a lot, or a little, or any.
On a better note, Goldie had a field trip with her class to Half Moon Bay and, since it was one of the weekend's that I had the grands, she suggested we come with her. I have a friend there also, so it worked out very well. Ny had a hair appt so she did not come.

We played in a fun park, we visited with my friend, we had clam chowder with Goldie during her lunch break (a contributing factor to my displeasurable weigh in), we shopped in little shops. Weather was beautiful - I would love to live there!!! All in all, a great day. Pix below.....


Anonymous said...

looks fun! wish ny and i could have tagged along.

Mastering It said...

me too. Loli kept wanting us to go back and pick up Ny so they could play in the park.