Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 15 of the OC on a muggy day

Muggy muggy muggy yuck.

If I wanted muggy, I would live in the south

or in Chicago in the summertime

or in a rain forest.

Instead, I live in northern California and it should NOT be muggy.

Anyway, I am half way, or so, there on the OC.

So far so good - weigh in is this Sunday.

Food for the last few days has been on program with the exception of an eggroll, a few wontons in my soup and a bit of sauce. Does sound like more than a few exceptions, but I was not truly bad. I would admit it.. really I would

Yesterday did not include a WOD, a burpee or a run. Had to get to work early and got home exhaustedly late. See, I admitted that.

Today, tho...
20 burpees mixed in with the usual CFV warmup;

front squats 2-2-2-2-2 last was pb at 75lb;

run 400m X 3 for time -one was a pb at 2:11.

still not below 2 but closer.

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