Sunday, October 04, 2009

Day 3 of the OC and a look up

Ran 800 m - all within the WOD or warmup ... 400m at once and then 4X100
20 burpees - working up to doing them all at once. right now, it is 10 at a time
CFV - stretching, then team WOD-3 on a team...
  • 4X run 100m carrying some weight;

  • as a team do a total 3X100 of your choice of pullups, pushups, situps squats.

  • as we dropped one of our weights outside of the designated box, we had to each do 5 burpees as penalty.

Our team still won - did it in about 16 mins


B - banana, coffee w/creamer

L - chicken and a small portion of meatloaf (slim pickins as it was at the Quilt Guild meeting), apple

S(nack) - grapes/nuts/raisins

D-meatballs from Costco (delicious) probably a bit less than paleo tho/tomatoes/peppers/radishes

some pea soup

Fotos: Some amazing ceilings - such detail and workmanship. Unfortunately, most of the buildings we were in did not allow photos and those were the ones that tended to have the best ceilings. Here are a few that I did get - legally or otherwise (one a bit blurry, but I really liked it anyway) ...

1 comment:

Katana said...

Thanks for risking life and limb to take those photos! They are great!